Thursday, April 22, 2010

Human Rights Banquet in Coeur d'Alene

I attended the Human Rights Banquet here in Coeur d'Alene. The speaker, Dr. Reginald Weaver was not only amazing; his words reinvigorated me, empowered my soul and increased the fire within. I live those words everyday of my life: Never quit! Do what is correct! Push back against hate! Do what is Good and Just!

The fight for Civil Rights and the fight to end prejudice and discrimination will always continue. I will NEVER lie down and NEVER allow evil and hatred to get past my sight without calling it for what it is and doing something about it.Events like that validate me; they remind me why the Supreme Architect of the Universe put me on this planet: To make change and be a role model for others to follow, and to lead the fight that needs to happen as long as the forces of Hate exist. It is STILL about the Content of Character and nothing else. I have dedicated my life to helping others and teaching others to Advocate for themselves and for the issues that matter to them.

I know some Truths, and they are: Only Love can conquer Hate, Only Justice can end Injustice, and bad things will NOT happen if Good People do not turn away.
There will be an end to inequality someday. I believe this with all of my being. Yes, maybe there will be a few malcontents and hate filled hearts, but they will be so small a number they will have no power and no ability to affect the rest of society in any significant way.

When we strive to try and actually listen and understand each other; when we have empathy for each other's lives, when we truly embrace diversity in all its forms and when we realize that we need each other, it is that moment when the walls start to come down. It is that moment when fear and shame start to come to an end. It is that moment that we start to become a little wiser, a little more "grown up" as human beings.

You want to know why I do this work? You want to know why I fight and why uncountable numbers of people fight so that people can live as good a life as they can? You want to know why some of us out here in the fight will never, ever want to do anything else but change things to the better?
It is a very simple answer actually: It is because we actually CARE about our fellow human beings and what kind of world we want to live in; not just for us but for future generations as well.

No matter what. No matter if society wants to kick you in the teeth, call you names, throw up more and more obstacles or try and hinder you in any way: Keep fighting! Keep doing what is correct and just, beautiful and true, honorable and important and most of all what matters most to bring about Equality and Respect into every aspect of society.

And maybe, just maybe when you pass away from this world, you will have positively affected at least one life, brought about one change (no matter how small) and truly left a legacy for the next generations to follow and to implement. The words of Ed Roberts, Dr. King, Cesar Chavez, Gloria Stienem and so many others in the entire Civil Rights movement have every bit of relevance and every bit of power now as they did then. It is up to us to carry them forward, and I know that there is no doubt we will. We shall indeed overcome one day.

Patrick Blum

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