Civil Rights – There must be no discrimination on the basis of disability.- Consumerism - A consumer or customer is the best authority when purchasing a service or product and his or her wishes must be respected.
- Equal access – All community activities must be fully accessible to all people with disabilities.
- Community-based services – All programs and services that are community-based must be physically located in a non-institutional setting in their community and be responsive to the needs identified by people with disabilities in that community.
- De-medicalization - Individuals with disabilities are not always "sick" and may not require help from certified medical professionals for daily living.
- Self-help - People learn and grow from discussing their needs, concerns, and issues with people who have had similar experiences
- Advocacy - Systemic community-wide change activities are needed to ensure that people with disabilities benefit from all that society has to offer.
- Cross-disability – Programs and services must stress the full equality and participation of all persons with disabilities regardless of type or extent of disability.
- Barrier-removal - Architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers must be removed to ensure that people are able to fully participate in their communities. .
- Consumer control - The organizations best suited to support and assist individuals with disabilities are governed, managed, staffed and operated by individuals with disabilities.
- Community-based living - No person should be institutionalized on the basis of a disability.
- Peer support - The individuals best suited to support, assist, and guide people with disabilities are other people with disabilities.
- Confidentiality – All people have a right to receive assistance without sacrificing their privacy.
Developed by Bob Michaels with the assistance of the Illinois SILC and the European Network on Independent Living (2013)